Thursday, April 30

Wednesday, April 29

Monday, April 27

1589... the price of these babies in DKK.. I am officially head over heels (Haha get it heels,?) in love. But of course as destiny always insists on going exactly opposite of my cravings, they are absolutely NO where to be found..tsk..+ the price is like WAY to expensive for my very low budget... I hate not having money... And now you might just think: "Geez, that girl is like the most shallow b***h in the whole wide world. All she thinks about is having enough money" Yeah I might think a lot about money, but hey if all the stuff I wanted was free I wouldn't care shit for money...    

I want these too...

I wish my day away, all day, every day

Why the crapdamnit to hell and back again am I not rich ?! I think my only chances of surviving adulthood is to mary some rich dude, and then use all his hard earned money on stuff like this..
3 dream outfits for summer
...well maybe by then I wouldn't buy stuff like this. But if someone were to give me $10000000000000000000000000 today for shopping only it I'd definitely spend it on those 3 great summer outfits..

Sunday, April 26

Og vinderen blev...

...dette outfit. High shine leggings, løs hvid top og oversize skjorte. Mange tak for jeres hjælp til et vigtigt valg på en vigtig dag :) Jeg tror jeg i sidste ende jeg endte med at give Emma og Karoline ret i at, det nok bare var mest vigitig at føle sig godt til pas.. Det gjorde jeg også, og efter lige at have fået en lille pep-talk af Hr. kæreste inden jeg tog afsted, var jeg overraskende rolig og følte jeg havde et godt overblik over situationen. Selvfølgelig var jeg da også lidt nervøs, men hey det skal man jo være. Men alt i alt endte det med at være en god dag. Jeg er allerede forelsket i skolen, og min kontaktgruppe er jeg allerede faldet godt i snak med :) Det er lidt som om det går bare lige lidt for godt, hmm oh well jeg tror lige meget hvad bliver det et amazing år..

P.S undskyld den fjollede pose..

Saturday, April 25

Song of the Week// Buzz me away

Just because it reminds me of summer


source: Jake&Jil

Swedish Elle ft. Lykke Li

I must get swedish elle next month, simply to read/see the Lykke Li interview 
I mean how great are the shoots ?!

Source: fashionsquad


Jeg skal møde menneskerne på min efterskole imorgen. MAJOR fashion crises! as usual...Jeg mener man for trods alt kun 1 chance for at gøre et god førstehånds indtryk. Sarah og jeg prøvede at finde et outfit her i morges, men det var som om der bare ikke var noget, overhovedet! Capdamnit! Jeg overvejer kraftigt mine nye Indiska buddah bukser men dem var Sarah ret meget imod... Hun syntes mere det skulle være noget enkelt men stilet. Hun forslog min 'ulve t-shirt' og high shine gemasher, og blazer. . Men ved bare ikke helt om det bliver for varmt, og om de der S/M gemasher som Andreas kalder dem, ville gøre et 'godt førstehåndsindtryk'.. I don't know... Har I stået i den samme position? - og i så fald hvad havde du på? 

Hov og by the way.. den der fest vsr SÅ stenet! aldrig mere til fest med (næsten kun) folk jeg ikke kender.. no offense.. Men oh dear god, jeg gør det aldrig igen.. 

Friday, April 24


Wow, many things happen when you're a day away form the blog.. Anyway I was out shopping with Eva yesterday, and as usual I spent way to much money..tsk.. But here are the goodies from my bags
UH! and we saw Slumdog Millionaire. Like the best movie ever! I so recomend it... 

Wednesday, April 22


the jeans are done. I don't think I've spoken of them before now, but some time ago I got a pair of jeans form my sister. She couldn't really figure out what to do with them, neither could I at first, since there was a huge rip like right below the butt. But thats fixed now with a piece of checkered fabric, and I've made the lower leg a bit slimmer.. I'm actually quite happy with the result, but they aren't trashed jeans for nothing.. A hole or two more might come a long.. 
 I'm highly considering studding one of the back pockets... 

could I...

Source: Fashion toast
....pull this look off? As I've mentioned earlier Friday equals party time for me this weekend. And as always major fashion crises... But the lovely Rumi from Fashion toast has inspired me yet again.. Her dress from 'the stolen girlfriends club' is absolutely AMAZING! Now I don't know the price of this, but I'm guessing it's ridiculouse. But no worries, a simple white tank dress cut up and pinned back together with safety pins, that can't be too hard now can it? Anyway I'm gonna be out shopping tomorrow, so I'll definitely be looking for a simple white dress...uh! and a black corset bra to go underneath it.  

Tuesday, April 21

come to mama

I wouldn't mind seeing these beauties (the garments, not the models....) in my closet on a regular basis..

Monday, April 20

Outfit // bare legged

Shorts: H&M, Tank: H&M, Shoes: Somewhere in Paris, Necklace: Vintage
Today was my first day out with bare legs! Yes I admit it, it was a bit cold, but hey! don't let the weather dictate your fashion choices.. sometimes... Anyway school was nice, I had convinced my mother to ditch the first two hours of school, because of her grand birthday party on Saturday.. HEHE... and I got of two hours earlier than usual, cause we have subs in basically all our classes... fantastic.. + we have like no homework at the moment, so great.. How has your day been so far?    

Party time!

...Or at least getting ready to party. I've been invited to a party in Friday, and as usual I have NO idea on what to wear what so ever..  So I've been browsing around on google and various blogs trying to find some inspiration.. Here's what it's come down too:
Pics: Photobucket, google search, src783, fashion toast, olsen anonomys,
So I'm thinking boho/hippie, grunge, transparency. What's your  call?