Monday, May 25

Todays Outfit

Got this vintage floral dress a few days ago. I already love it, and have worn it unbelievably much since it moved into my closet. I had (and still have) a hard time figuring out whether it's too granny-gandma' or not. I love the flowy floral fabric, but I'm not quite sure about the length. On one hand it's really cool that it's so long, and kinda unique in my closet. But then on the other hand, since most of the other stuff I own is knee-or-above-length it kinda makes me a bit uncomfortable.. Nah, what the hell, I'm gonna keep it long.  
Yesterday it really proved itself, by saving my fashion crises. I thought I made the look a little but more classic by adding a touch of sophisticated black. Unfortunately it wasn't until I was walking towards Tivoli on the main railway station, a guy loudly asked my, as he walked by me: "How much?!" I realized the look probably was a little bit sluty....
 Eh, what the hell, I've looked more hookery in my past... 


  1. ej, er det ikke den oppe fra røde kors? den så jeg SÅ meget på, og overvejede og overvejede! mega flot!

  2. den er rigtig fin.
    tror det ville være rigtig fint hvis du klippede den af ved knæet og knappede den, og så bruger den som kjole (:

  3. Roxanne: Hehe, jo det er nok den (:

    Nanna Montanna: Hmm jo, jeg har leget lidt med den tanke, men når den er knappet, ser den bare lidt for konet ud syntes jeg, mest fordi den sidder en smule løst. Så længden hjælper nok ikke så meget på dét, men god idé ellers .. :)
